Milk. It's a critical component for sustaining humans in the first year of life. Many babies around the world suffer due to lack of adequate milk because their mother has passed away, left, or is too malnourished or sick to breastfeed. Many of the babies who come to our bases are sick and malnourished, sometimes having only been fed watered down condensed milk or tea for weeks. These babies would likely die without help from our Milk Programs. The love of Jesus compels us to stop for these little ones in need.
Meet twins, Jahirah and Joelah. They came to the Madagascar Milk Program in November 2017 weighing 1 kilo/2.2 pounds and 1.1 kilos/2.4 pounds. They were born 2 months prematurely and still needed to be in incubators, but the family had to leave the hospital because they ran out of money.
Jahirah at 1 kilo/2.2 pounds in November 2017
Joelah at 1.1 kilos/2.4 pounds in November 2017
Our Iris Madagascar Base was able to pay for them to return to the hospital until they were ready to come out, and is providing them with supplemental formula as they were so small. Soon they should be able to graduate from the Milk Program, as their mama is breastfeeding and they are starting to eat solid food. In the updated photos they are 4 kilos/8.8 pounds and 4.7 kilos/10.3 pounds. We praise Jesus for His miraculous power to save these precious little lives!
Many of our bases have been running milk clinics for years and we are thrilled to announce we are officially starting the Stop for the One Milk Program!
Milk Program Sponsorship: How it Works
Upon signing up to sponsor a Milk Program Baby, you will receive a photo of your baby. Through the year, you can expect quarterly email updates on your baby's health. Once your baby reaches about a year old and is healthy, you will be sent a graduation photo! You will then be matched with a new baby in need of sponsorship.
Jahriah and Joelah now!
Jahriah at 4 kilos/8.8 pounds in May 2018
Joelah at 7 kilos/10.3 pounds in May 2018